01179 266 266

01179 266 266

If you need to speak to someone outside of these hours, please head to our alternative services page.

You can chat to a volunteer over the phone, or scroll down to access the Instant Messaging service.

What is Bristol Nightline?

Bristol Nightline offers a confidential, impartial and non-advisory listening and information service. We don’t lecture or judge our callers, our job is to listen and help them reach their own conclusions.

Whether you want to talk about something that’s upsetting you or one of your friends, or want some information of any kind, Nightline is here to listen. No problem is too big or too small.

Chat to us online

Click ‘start chat’ to access our IM service. To speak to a volunteer, then click ‘new chat’.


If you would like to give us anonymous feedback, please use this form: